Genesis 5:21-24 ~ And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
After Cain murdered his brother Abel, God gave Adam and Eve another son who was to be the godly line of humanity. Seth was the progenitor of the godly while Cain was the progenitor of the ungodly. Men began to multiply upon the face of the earth, and we find some pictures of things that are yet to happen.
We find in this chapter the lineage of Adam through Seth. Here we see Enoch who was taken from the earth before the flood. Enoch was a man who walked with God every day. He was a godly, God-fearing man who loved to spend time with his Creator. But God saw fit to take him out of the world before He destroyed it with the flood. Now Enoch did not die, but he was translated out by God Himself. This is a picture of the Lord removing His church from the earth before the tribulation of God’s wrath begins.
In Chapter six we have the grace of God which is manifested in the life of Noah and his family through the flood. The flood is a picture of the tribulation period. In this we see humanity judged and punished by the wrath of Almighty God. God’s wrath is poured out upon the exceeding sinfulness of man in both events while His grace protects those whose faith is in Him. We see the ark which is a picture and a type of Christ. Those in the ark are safe from the judgment of God under His protective grace, while those on the outside pay the penalty of sin which is death. The pitch that was used to seal the ark is a picture of the protections that we have in Christ our Saviour. We have the power of the Spirit “without” to fight our spiritual battles and we have the seal of the Spirit “within” to keep us safe for all of eternity. We see God’s grace as He makes a way to preserve His creation just as He has made a way to redeem all His creation at the end of time. Grace is not a New Testament concept. It is a fact of God’s character as we find in verse 8, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”
We also find in this chapter the intermarriage of the godly line of Seth (sons of God) with the ungodly line of Cain (the daughters of men). This is what is going on today because there is a breakdown of the principle of separation. The Lord said in the Old Testament that you cannot plow with an ox that is yoked together with a mule. You cannot have equal power with equal pull because of the vast difference between the two. There can be no productive work because they are unequally yoked together.
In the New Testament we are told that as believers in Christ we are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. There is no spiritual good that can come from those who are Christian getting into relationships with those who are not Christian. This is true in business where unbelievers follow the business practices of the world and Christians are to follow Biblical principles in business. It is true in marriage where an unbeliever does not understand that marriage is an institution established and ordained by God. It is a relationship that is, once again, based and built upon godly Scriptural principles, not on the ideology and the philosophy of the world. The world does not believe in the holy sanctity of marriage. When there is a breakdown in separation then apostasy begins to set in, and God will judge the apostate church.
Praise God for the goodness and the kindnesses of His eternal grace. Praise God for deliverance from the judgment and the penalty of sin. Praise God for the promise of abundant life in Christ and eternal life to be with Him forever. Praise God for calling us out of the world and giving us a place in New Jerusalem, prepared for the saints of God who are the church of the firstborn. Praise God for loving us unconditionally and preparing a way for us to receive all of this by simple faith in Christ. Just Praise God for everything for the godly shall prevail both now and forever. Amen.
Todd Taylor, Th.D.
Bible Reading: Genesis 5 & 6
Psalm For The Day: Psalm 45