Genesis 15:1-2 ~ After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
We have the peace of God, and we have the protection of God. God told Abram that he need not fear because “I am thy shield.” God had protected him in the battle with the four kings, but God was still with him now. God’s protection is always there for His own when they are in the heat of battle and when they are just going through their daily routine. Those who know God know His peace and His protection. Psalm 34:7 tells us, “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear [reverential respect and trust with a hatred for evil] him, and delivereth them.” God was protecting us during Hurricane Katrina on every side. He kept us safe from the winds and from the water. When you know God and you walk daily with Him, getting closer to Him every day (Col 3:1-3), you will be protected by Him on every side (READ 2 Kings 6:8-17).
There is a peace and protection that comes from knowing God, but there is also great reward that comes from knowing God. No prize or earthly treasure will ever compare with God's love, grace, mercy, salvation, forgiveness, presence, peace, power, heaven, hope, etc. When we have the Lord, we have everything that we will ever need. We may not be rich according to the world’s standards, but we are rich beyond imagination. The world as it is today will pass away and cease to exist, but those who belong to Christ will live forever! The Christian life is not to be pitied; it is to be envied. All that belongs to Him is ours by inheritance through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17).
Fear not! We have the peace, the protection, and the prize that comes from knowing God. He is our shield and exceeding great reward. We see Abram’s fear is put to rest with a Word from the Lord about His peace, His protections, and His rewards. God had made promises to Abram about his life and the future posterity of his family. Now Abram begins to inquire and seek God’s will concerning his future. We as Christians must be like Abram when it comes to getting the answers that we need about the direction of our life.
When we need to know what lies ahead in our life, we must seek God first. I was talking with a group of teens the other day and told them that whatever their plans and their dreams are that they should talk with God about them first. I explained to them that they could choose a career path and become very successful in life. But I also told them that if they did not ask God first about what they were to do with their life that they would not have any satisfaction. More than likely, they would be most miserable in their accomplishments. As Christians we must make God the center of our life and keep God preeminent. We must learn to consult God first before making decisions about our future. Make God preeminent and seek His will and purpose.
When it comes to the issues of life, we should turn to God and seek His Word on them. God has something to say about most every issue we will face in life. God has something for each of us in every situation and circumstance. If we will turn to God and seek His Word in any given situation, we will find that He is ready to give us what we need – knowledge, wisdom, discretion, etc. All that we need to make the right choices in our life are found in the Word of God. That is why it is so important to immerse ourselves in His Word daily.
His Word is given to us to benefit us in everything. We will find spiritual guidance, marital guidance, family guidance, financial guidance, moral guidance, business guidance, social guidance, educational guidance, political guidance, and every other kind of guidance we need. Simply put, Seek God’s Word on all life’s issues and He will give you the help that you need.
If you do not seek a Word from the Lord daily, it will be more difficult to find a Word from the Lord when you need it the most.
Dr. Todd Taylor